Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Monday & Wednesday Four's

Getting back into the swing has proved a bit challenging ... not much ... just a bit. So we are a day late and covering both Monday and today in this post.

Our letter this week is Q. We had a fun "big event". The kids had to be a Queen and search for a Quarter. One child went to the back of the room wearing a crown. He/she hid their eyes while a teacher gave another child a Quarter. The Queen had to determine who had the Quarter. They enjoyed this little game.

We also had French class with madame. She thought our country was cold!

Since we were celebrating the letter Q, we asked the kids what they would do if they were Queen For A Day. We wrote down their answers and posted them outside in the hallway.

We also began our week of studying "fairy tales". We quizzed the kids about what fairy tales are. To our amazement, they understood they are "stories" that are not real. They also were told that usually these fairy tales have lessons in them. We started the week with Jack and the Beanstalk. Then we followed up with a retention activity. We had little cards with pictures and when we showed each one, the group had to tell us if the character was in the story or not. They did very well with this well known fairy tale. Oh. You can thank us later as we told the kids the lesson with this story was to do as your mother tells you. We also told them it's a good story about faith.

We also completed a little "book" about the shy guy "letter Q" who always went somewhere with his buddy "U". This would have been in your mailbox on Monday.

Today we extended the fairy tale study with the story of The Three Little Pigs. The lesson here was to not rush through things. To take your time, and do quality work. We followed up with a matching lesson. The kids matched pigs to their homes. These were in your mail today. Finally, we had some fun with dominoes. The kids got three dominoes and had to "record" their findings on a piece of construction paper using stickers.

Have a super Thursday off. Hope your Spring Break was great!

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