Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday With The Four's

Today there were five children out sick! Keep and eye on those little guys 'cuz something is going around. It's a good time to remember that these little infections spread quickly through our class and that staying home when we are worn out or have drippy, green or yellow stuff from our noses is probably best!

We finished up our "MY" sight word with our sight word page today. Not only are the kids writing their beautiful letters these days, but now they are trying to "read" the sentences on these pages! Simply thrilling to watch.

Ollie is now traveling in Mexico! Right off the bat, the kids noticed this was not really far from home. Yes. It took him some traveling to get from Japan to Mexico, but Mexico is relatively close to Ohio. Ollie wrote to the kids all about the traditions in Mexico at Christmastime. Ollie told the kids about the legend of the Poinsettia. (And we read a book by Tomi DePaola) He told them all about the Nativity. He told them about the Mexican flag and he told them about pinata's! He included a small gift for the kids ... a coloring page with kids hitting a pinata. One sweet boy suggested we make a gift for Ollie since he has been sending us such fun stuff! Can you believe these little hearts?! So at the end of the day, we did just that. We colored pictures that we will put together to construct a Welcome Back sign!

Later in the day, we made a cute poinsettia out of construction paper and tissue paper. They did such a wonderful job and made some pretty pics! We also learned a few songs. One about the 7 continents and another about the compass rose!

Finally, the kids made a gift for their families a few weeks back. They were ready to come home today so we packaged them up and sent them home. The kids know they are for Christmas and most want to wait to give to you all then. Course, if you open it before, that is fine ... but they really will be excited to have something for you on Christmas morning! BTW, they are fragile!

Its was a great day. Now we are ready for the weekend!

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