Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Middle Of The Week

Our site word this week is "TO". The kids said, "that's easy". They are right. We introduced them to the "other" "to's". There is "two", and "too". It's likely we confused them totally ... on second thought, they are such a smart group ... maybe not!

We also celebrated the number "2". As luck would have it, we used our handy-dandy number of the day board and that's what popped up! We did two jumps. We discussed all the "two's" in the room. Mrs. E even discussed the notion of "pairs" with the kids. We have a pair of eyes. A pair of noses, etc.

Our science lesson focused on gravity and air. We made helicopters from construction paper and discussed how to fly them. The problem was we had to be somewhere that was up fairly high. Some suggested getting on the roof of the building. Naah. That wouldn't really be feasible. Oh. We could stand on the playhouse in the indoor gym. We could. But could be dangerous. We could stand on each other's shoulders. May not be high enough and Mrs. Sapp is getting old. Oh. Someone came up with the idea of standing at the top of the steps and tossing them down! Sure. Let's try it. Guess what? It worked and we had so much fun flying them. Mrs. E stood at the top and the rest of us sat down below and watched them float to a stop. So much fun, we did it twice!

Mrs. Wahoff came in to read a Christmas story to us. They were quite interested and very well behaved. Course that's no surprise!

We also visited with Mrs. Erikson and learned about collages. We made our own Christmas tree collage!

Finally, Ollie was in England. He sent us a package! Inside was the traditional "cracker". We also practiced being British soldiers with stone faces. Mrs. E even tried to spook us ... it worked. Then we dressed our own paper doll. So cute.

Also, just wanted to let you know that next week is our last week before the holiday break. On Friday, we will have an "Open House" of sorts. Mrs. McCarthy has planned some fun activities for us. We will eat pizza together and parents are welcome to join us. We will dismiss early to begin our restful break. Just wanted you to know that the rest of the school will be having a sing-along with the Music Lady on Wednesday. We opted to have a celebration on Friday instead. First, we thought it might be a challenge for parents to drop off in the am, come back for 20 minutes (fight parking lot traffic), sing and go home only to come back and pick them up again. We hope you feel the same. Still, you are welcome to come Wednesday if you like. Check with us on times.

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