Friday, December 2, 2011

A Fun Thursday With The Threes

Our Thursday was fun! We celebrated the letter "X" by making an "X" with some bumpy paper and then doing a crayon rubbing. They loved seeing the surprise pop through.

We read a cute book called "Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash". The story starts with a women washing her clothing and hanging it on a line to dry. Soon, though she begins to wash everything in sight! Including the dog! And, a bat! She even washes the Christmas wreath! The boys and girls laughed and giggled. Afterward, we did a little art project about the story. The kids colored "wash" then hung it on the line.

We also sent home some writing sheets with your child's name. We are hoping you will continue to practice reciting and writing the letters in your child's name. This really helps to reinforce the desire to "read". We are working hard in the classroom with name recognition.

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