Monday, December 12, 2011

Sorry. Missed Friday's Post

Sorry. We missed Friday's post. We had a super day except there were six kids out! Today, there were three out. Apparently, there is a stomach "thing" going around. Mrs. Eastman and Mrs. Sapp even began to feel a bit queasy on Friday afternoon. Lots of rest and relaxation over the weekend helped us. So, keep in mind the holidays are coming up and we don't want anyone to be ill. We are washing hands like crazy (and asking the kids to keep their fingers out of their noses). Please help reinforce this message at home!

Our letter this week is "K". It's a tough one for these guys to write but all did super today with our practice sheet. So proud.

Our Big Event involved finding a construction paper kite that had a number on it and then putting it in order on the dry erase board. We absolutely were blown away that these kids were recognizing the printed double-digits and knew which went were. While this was done in a group on the rug, each child worked independently to identify which number came next and locate it on the table. A-MAZE-ING.

Ollie is currently in Australia. These kids are so excited to discover where he is next. It makes the entire lesson very fun for us, too! They totally "get" that he is "far" and they can't wait to see him again. Many are saying "I miss Ollie". These children are so special they are very grateful when Ollie "sends" them gifts from his locale. Today, it was a coloring page of a kangaroo. Ollie explained Aboriginal art and we mimicked this in the art room today. We instructed the kids to use only the tip of a Q-tip to make "dots". While it was a challenge to do so (and not "drag" the Q-tip across the page cuz that is the tendancy) they did a great job. Their art turned out sooooo cute.

We know you won't believe this, but they are reading now too! At the end of the day, we got out some scrabble-like letters and just put them on the rug asking the kids to name the sound they make. When we discovered how easy that was for them, we moved on to word "families". Mrs. E. explained last week that a word "family" is kind of like their family. For instance, everyone in Mrs. Sapp's family has the same name "Sapp". But, each individual person has their own name. So, in a word family like "an" the ending stays the same. However, when you change the first letter, the word changes. We did this on the rug with "at" and "op". They totally got it!

We sure hope Santa is good to these guys this year because they deserve it. They are so well-behaved and very, very smart. They all work very hard to perform well and we couldn't be more pleased with each and every one of them.

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