Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Letter J

Boy did they blaze through that letter writing exercise. We are gonna have to step-it-up. These guys are getting so good at writing their letters! You all must be working hard at home! We are so proud.

Today we made jellyfish out of construction paper in honor of the letter J. We also began some work with patterns. Some kids are aware of the concept and working hard to reproduce their own. Others are still working to understand what a pattern is. In fact, at this age, it's quite amazing they are willing to try. They are such hard workers and such intelligent little guys and gals. This notion of patterns will be our focus for several weeks ahead.

Mrs. Eastman worked with the kids in a group today. She read a story about Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel and the christmas lights on their house. We followed up with our own lights (beads) and house. We made a pattern using red and green beads on a pipe cleaner. This became the lights on our house. Many did very well. Some started out well and lost it. No worries. It's a difficult concept at their age.

Also, letting you know that next Thursday will be our last day before the holiday break. At 10:40 we are asking you to join us in a sing-along with the Music Lady. We will then head downstairs to the Undercroft room for cookies and snacks. The children will be dismissed after the treats.

Look for a note to come home soon.

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