Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Fun Giveaway

So we have received lots of comments on our blog. We thank you for reading and for your sweet comments. To show our appreciation (and to keep the comments coming (cuz who doesn't like a little support) we have a surprise gift for one lucky reader. Post a comment (or more) between now (September 24th) and Friday, September 30th and we will randomly select a reader for our little gift. All the reader names will go into a hat and we will pull a name and a winner next weekend. Thanks again for following us!


  1. What a great idea! I am honored to be a Priceless and Purple follower!

  2. FYI-TROUBLE POSTING COMMENTS: I spent way too much time trying to figure out why I could not post a comment! After downloading Firefox, I am able to post! I wanted to post this just in case any one else was having the same issue! Happy posting!

  3. Testing with firefox. Also have been having trouble posting comments. We love checking in and seeing what the purple room has been up to!
