Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kind Of A Quiet Day

We began our day with French class with Madame Smail. The kids always enjoy her. Ask them about her magic trick!

Our shape focus was a triangle. Thanks Georgia for bringing in triangular-shaped crackers for snack. We also ate some cheese that she brought! We read a book about triangles and we made fish from the shape. The kiddos are still learning how to glue objects onto a page. They are beginning to understand that the glue goes on the BACK of the paper. LOL.

Our letter today was P and we made some panda bears using construction paper and glue. The pieces were already cut out, the kids just had to arrange them on the page. These will go in your binder and you will see all our letter crafts at the end of the year.

We were able to go outside for gym as the sun came out and it warmed up. This is always nice cuz the indoor gym is too small for us to run around. Outside we can run, jump, and even yell! They like that much better so we will continue until it gets too cold. Please work with your child on dressing and undressing (coats) themselves. Even just getting the arms in and out is helpful to us as we prepare for these cooler days outdoors.

Have a nice Wednesday off! See you next time.


  1. When I asked Will about Madame's magic trick he said, "She just showed us that's all." Hopefully I will get more at a later time! He did tell his grandma all about the fish he made! He was very proud!

  2. I really enjoy this little peek into their day, it's so hard to get any info from Georgia! Thanks for posting :)

    -Kate B
