Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Morning Sweet Lil Three's!

Such a hard time to come back to school after three days off! We had some tears this morning but truly all were gone in a matter of minutes (some just took seconds). Be sure they are getting their rest on the eve before school ... it might help.

Today we introduced our first alphabet letter ... F! Oh how we sounded it out and thought of words that started with that sound. We followed up (as we plan to do every Tuesday) with a little writing exercise. You may have seen this in your mailbox today. We showed the children just how to make the letter. We used a worksheet and crayon. The kiddos had to follow the dotted line but the fishy could not go outside the line or the shark might get him! As we said at Parent Nite, we really don't do worksheets in the class. Tuesday's, however will be an opportunity for children to try to write the letter. We will eventually put pencils in their hands (vs. crayons). And, we will have other opportunites (centers with dry erase boards, etc.) for the kiddos to try their hand at writing letters and numbers. Work with them at home on their pencil grip. See yesterday's four's post for a sweet little You Tube site that will help you help them with the grip.

After the writing exercise, we did an "F" craft featuring the American flag. This artwork did not come home today. We would like to hold on to these letter crafts for your child's portfolio that they will receive at the end of the year (the 3-ring binder you sent in).

We started our focus on shapes this morning. This week we will be talking about circles! Mrs. E. read a book about circles and invited the children to go home and try to find these shapes in their homes! We made a craft today using that shape! Lots and lots of circles on our bear faces! Those should have come home with you today.

Finally, we visited Madame Smail today. The kiddos watched intently as she is a hoot! We will see her every Tuesday morning. Yeah!


  1. It is great to be able to keep up with Will's class from Charlotte!!

  2. It is so nice to see Madame again! I am glad Will has a chance to visit with Madame just like I did when I went to St. John's!
