Thursday, September 29, 2011

P is for Pets

Since this is P week we made "puppets" with the letter P made from construction paper. The kids got to decorate with crayons and stickers. We followed-up with a listening activity (put the letter P on something purple; put the letter P on your head, etc.).

The kids got to meet our new class pet. His name is Ollie and he is a mouse. He entertained them first thing as they watched him eat, sleep, and wait for him to run on his wheel. They were very kind to Ollie by keeping their voices down and not tapping on his house.

Mrs. Eastman got out some scissors and direct mail postcards and let the kids go to town! Oh how they loved cutting! What a great exercise for their little fingers. This is something you can try at home. Put some old mail in a box and hand them a pair of scissors. Let them work at it while you are making dinner!

The Music Lady visited us today. She started off with a little jazz and finished with a song about grandma's glasses.

Finally, our focus on shapes today was with regard to the rectangle. We actually ran out of time and didn't get to finish. We explained the rectangle has FOUR sides. But, two are short and two are long. We had two different sized popsicle sticks. The kids got to decorate with markers and then make their shape. Mom's, dad's and sitters showed up as we were finishing decorating. Oops. So we packed up our sticks in baggies. Hopefully they showed these to you and you all can work at home creating the shape.

Have a super weekend!


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It's nice to see what the kiddos are up to each day:)

  2. Since I started sharing this blog with Will, I get a lot more information from him about his day! We enjoy looking at the photos and sharing Purple Room memories together. I am so glad you created this blog!
