Monday, September 26, 2011

A Rainy Monday

We were busy indoors with our letter of the week ... P! The kids did an awesome job coming up with words that start with our letter. We followed up with our Big Event. The kids got to PULL items from our PILLOWCASE and PUT them on our PINK and PURPLE line. Incidentally, all the items began with the letter P. There was peanut butter, pepper, pillows, perfume and much, much more in our pillowcase. They had fun. So did we.

We practiced writing the letter P after our Big Event. Many kiddos were "checking" their pencil grip. Such a heartwarming thing to see. They are really trying hard ... and they must listen cuz they are doing it!

We read a book about Martha the talking dog ... Martha Speaks. The kids did a little activity afterward where they had to PASTE alpha letters from alphabet cereal on the paper (where there was a drawing of a bowl). They were encouraged to then write the letter above the bowl. Many were tired at this point and chose to only decorate their bowl. That was okay. Too much writing can make us tired!

Our theme this week (in honor of the letter P) is pets. We have a class pet (that currently resides in Mrs. Sapp's house). She will bring it in on Wednesday. However, until then the kids got to make some predictions (with very few hints) on what the pet is. We did not even divulge gender! The kids guessed turtle, tortoise, cow, snake, hamster, dog, cat, and cheetah! We went back through the list and discussed what we would need for all these animals. Many cited food, water and a cage. This is excellent. Knowing they need cared for and then thinking hard about whether or not we had the space, etc. is a super social studies lesson! We were impressed!

Mrs. Eastman spent a little time going over the concept of a question vs. a statement with the kids. Our featured star (the guy who got to share his pennant) was Jarred today. The kids got to ask him questions about his design, content, etc. Usually when we discuss the notion of a question, the kids don't understand right off ... they continue with statements. This group is the only group of kids that we have ever had who actually asked questions following our lesson! Very smart guys and gals.

Our pet poem involved puppets (see all these "P"s?). The kids each had a puppet with a picture of a pet (popsicle stick with a colored image of a pet). Mrs. Eastman read a poem and then a series of questions and statements about animals. For instance, "this animal has fur". If you were holding a puppet that had fur, you held it up. All did very well.

Finally, we had french class with madame today. Very fun as always.

One favor to ask, if you have retired gift cards or old hotel key cards, would you drop them off at our classroom for a future art project?

Also, we have begun to get some money and some feedback on who will be going to the pumpkin patch. Go ahead and fill out the bottom portion of your information sheet and turn it in with the appropriate amount of cash. We will not need permission slips this trip since an adult will be supervising each child.

Lastly, we have a little giveaway here at the Priceless and Purple Blog! We won't tell you what it is (family fun) but we will share after the drawing. We are interested in knowing exactly how many folks are reading our blog so we are asking for comments as you read. We will collect them and select a name (from all the readers) to win our lil prize!

Thanks and have a nice Tuesday off!

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