Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Can Spell Can

The word of the day: CAN. As in "I can". We began our weekly "sight word" intro. The kids were reminded (or introduced to the notion) that letters make up words. And, words can tell stories, help us express ourselves and help us make believe. So the first word we learned is "can". We sounded out the letters in the word. The kids listened to a song about the word and then we tried our hand at writing it. One special cutie even asked "can we try to write that word?". So we did. They all did very well at jumping right in. At this stage, we just ask that they try tracing some shaded letters.

You probably saw the "book" that came home today. You may have also noticed that several children were challenged with writing their name. Since it kinda appears that they are just getting familiar with the letters of their name and how to write it, we sent home a practice sheet for you to work on with your child at home. We will send these home from time to time. These little practice sheets are quite effective. These guys are so interested in learning it's quite amazing.

Our number of the day was "6". The kids got a chance to write the number on the dry erase board. They all did well.

We divided up into five groups of four and worked on a little math project called building blocks. The kids had to work together as a group. Then, they described their structure to the rest of the class. We were looking for imaginations, recollections of past events and descriptive terms (we mentioned before that learning new terms and "seeing" different attributes in objects helps with understanding spatial relationship).

Mrs. Erikson visited us today in the art room. She taught the kids a bit about Georgia O'Keefe. She showed the kids how Georgia painted super, close-up images of flowers. She allowed the kids to experiment with chalk and rubbing the colors in with their fingers. Mrs. Erikson prepares a newsletter of sorts regarding the lesson of the day. This should have come home with you today also.

We played a "cowboy color-recognition" game with the kids today. Mrs. Eastman red a poem to the kids and invited them to locate the color of bandana that was mentioned in the poem. Everyone did excellent. They all know their colors!

Finally, we wanted to be sure to let you know how very impressed we are with each and every child in our classroom. They are such compassionate children. Whenever someone has "trouble" coming into class in the morning, there are always a few kids trying to help them adjust. On the playground, if there are toys the kids want to play with they are always more than willing to share. They truly care about each other and we are taken aback at the extent
they will go to to help their buddies.

Whatsmore, they are sooooo smart and eager to learn. We couldn't be more pleased with our group. Thanks to all you parents for being so involved in your child's life!

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