Thursday, September 15, 2011

What A Wonderful Day With The Three's

The kids are getting the hang of it. We've been introducing them to some "rules" at SJEEC. For instance, we always wash after using the potty. Another one is we get in a line to travel through the halls for music, french, and gym. The concept is very foreign to them so it takes some effort but we will get there. Other rules like no running, and no rocks flying through the air on playground are easier for them to grasp. If you ever take the kiddos to the playground after school, please note another rule is we sit on our bottoms on swings at SJEEC. Also, we go DOWN (not up) the slides at SJEEC.

Today we read the book, "We're Going On A Bear Hunt". We acted out the story as we went along. So we slushed around in mud, parted the tall grasses, climbed the tall mountains, and swam through the wide river to discover a cave! Mrs. Sapp "went in" and felt cob webs and ... a bear! We ran back home, up the stairs, into our room and UNDER our bed. The story was fun and we had a great time make-believing. But we also (secretly) used and learned some descriptive language which becomes very important in both language arts and math.

After the story, we practiced some handwriting skills. We listened to a song that teaches the kids how to hold a crayon. If you are interested, you can hear it here:
We will continue to work on the proper grip so kiddos are ready for writing before the close of their year. Much of the challenge is strengthening their hand muscles. You can help by giving them M & M's to sort with tweezers, for example. There's also kitchen tongs. You can ask them to sort uncooked pasta. I wouldn't worry so much about how they properly sort, but just getting them to use those muscles is important.

Enjoy some of our photos! See you Tuesday!


  1. A big thank you for taking the time to create this blog and post such detailed updates!

  2. This blog is great. Awesome job!!
