Saturday, February 25, 2012

Buckeyes, Cardinals, Astronauts, Bird Feeders, Triangles, Oh My!

A busy day in the purple room. We have to share with you that we cleaned our room on Friday morning ... bleached every surface, every toy, etc. One girl walked in to our room and said, "Why does it smell like a pool in here?" We thought that was a brilliant response to the smell of bleach. She recalled the smell and applied it to the smell she was experiencing. We thank you all, by the way for helping us with this germ-spreading thing. We want you to know that we are very appreciative of your support and we don't want any ONE family to feel responsible. That's just not how germs spread. Something like the chicken before the egg. We don't know how it starts, it just did and we all are victims. Our intention is not to make someone feel like an outcast and we hope that is not how it comes across. We just want healthy kids!

So our day on Friday started with pictures! We think you will all be pleased with the results. Mr. Callentine is super at getting the kids in and out and making it pain free. He is also very good at getting them to look at him just right and he even eeks smiles out of those stubborn ones. We had fun watching the kids in their photo shoots!

Our discussion about Ohio ended this week with "symbols". We talked about the buckeye; the white-tailed deer (which is how the buck-eye got it's name, incidentally); the cardinal; the carnation; and football! We are amazed at how much information they retained. We made a cardinal out of construction paper. This required us to really examine the bird and note that he had a pointy head and black around his face ... like a mask. This also required us to revisit our cutting skills ... which we are all doing very well with. We also made a bird feeder for those poor birds that stay here in the winter. Course since ours was mild, maybe we shouldn't take too much pity. At any rate, this activity required us to measure ingredients (what do we use to do this?. We had to figure out what to do if the recipe required TWO cups of something. All the ingredients were edible to us also (except for our peanut allergy) and so several wanted to taste it. They stuck the mixture in a cup with a string on it. When it hardens, you can remove the paper cup and hang it outdoors for the birds to eat!

We were treated to cupcakes in honor of one sweet gal's birthday! Happy 5th to you lil lady!

Finally, we ended the day with a parent visitor. She helped us talk to the kids about shapes. There was the square, the rectangle and the triangle. The kids noted (with much prodding) that the square and the rectangle are NOT the same. One side is long and the other "squishy" in the rectangle. But, both DO have four sides. The triangle however, only has three. Our parent helped us help the children to realize their own triangle using straws and playdough! It was a struggle cuz our playdough was so soft the straws kept falling out. Try it at home with a more sturdy dough. Homemade perhaps? Then they can help you measure and mix!

Have a super weekend!

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