Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Burrows

We wrapped up discussion about shadows and groundhogs. We did a sequencing activity. The kids worked pretty independently on this one. We were to put the pictures in order of how it happens. He sleeps. Wakes and goes outside. Sees his shadow then goes back in his ... burrow.

Scholastic News helped us out by covering other animals that burrow. We learned a new word and all about other animals that burrow.

One of our cute friends read Mouse Paint to us. She did a very nice job reading and showing us pictures. Well done!

Our sight word this week was AT. We finished up by working on our sight word book of the week.

We also decorated our Valentine's Bags today and made cute fish for our new bulletin board.

You may have noticed we have a sign-up sheet for parents to come in for a bit and work with the kids. There are only ten spots as we plan to do this on Friday's for the remainder of the year. With our Spring Break and a few crazy weeks at the end of the year, that does it. Can you believe how quickly the year is flying by? So, if you are interested check out the sign-up sheet outside our door. The timing is 12:40 to dismissal on Friday's.

Have a super weekend.

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