Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fun Tasty Day

We tried yogurt this morning ... mixed feelings about this little treat. We dyed it green and the kids got to finger paint with it. They were instructed to make the letter of the week ... Y ... with it first. Then, they could play and lick their fingers. They all enjoyed playing but some didn't want to lick their fingers.

We talked about Yummy and Yuck things (again ... Y week) and made a chart of things in each category. Some things that made the Yuck: dirt, vegetables. Some things that made the Yum: chocolate, "me", cookies. Oh yeah!

We talked about the groundhog and shadows (btw ... he saw his shadow) and the kids did a matching exercise on the rug. We had brown cut-outs of a groundhog in different "poses" (arms up, arms down, etc.). The kids had to locate the black cut-out of the same shape. To our surprise, it was a little challenging for many. We will keep working on this type of stuff to get 'em thinking. We also did an exercise at the table with a similar concept. This time, they seemed to have an easier time of it. They cut out a picture and matched it to the shadow.

Finally, we read the Itsy Bitsy Spider and did a fun coloring activity. Then we taped a straw and a plastic spider along side the house to represent a gutter and the spider. They got to bring their paper to the rug and we said the riddle together moving our spider up and down the spout. There is also a sun taped to the back and folded down. They got to pull it up when "the sun came out". They enjoyed this activity.

Have a super weekend everyone!

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