Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Earth's Layers

We had fun discussing the earth's layers today.

We reviewed our discussion about the moon then began talking about the earth itself. Many bright children chimed in with comments. Some were "our planet is the only one you can live on." and "the center of the earth is made of lava". We couldn't be more proud of our young ones. We made a model of the earth and it's layers using modeling clay. Then we drew what we made. They had fun.

However, they had more fun with our number recognition activity. The kids had a piece of paper with the phases of the moon on it. Each phase had a number on it. To the left of their paper was a plate full of mini marshmallows (we called them meteors). Mrs. E. threw a die and the kids were instructed to pick up a mini marshmallow (to their left) with a toothpick and move it to the phase with that number (to their right). If they got lucky and Mrs. E. threw a number that was NOT on their phases sheet ... they got to ZOOM the meteor in their mouth! YEAH! Not only are we trying to "teach" number recognition, but this movement from left to right will "train" them how to read left to right ... when the time comes, it'll be habit.

We had music with The Music Lady today. We sang some snow songs. How appropriate.

We also practiced writing our numbers with a cute space worksheet. The kids had to count the objects then write the number in the space provided. They did really well. We were happy to see this.

One little gal even drew a picture of the moon from last evening and brought it in to school to share. She even thought to add some red images (she told us it was Mars) to her illustration. Feel free to invite your child to look outside the window tonite or tomorrow and see what shape the moon is. Draw a picture for us and bring it in. We will let them share with the rest of the class!

Have a super Thursday off!

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