Monday, February 6, 2012

Still More To Come

Today began our week on space. We have some fun activities planned for this week. In fact, it's one of our favorites.

Our letter this week is M ... for none other than "moon". So we began the day with our Big Event. We made the letter M on the rug using Masking tape. Then, the kids each (one by one) got a Marble. They put it on the Masking tape M then got an M & M. They seemed to enjoy this.

Next, we practiced our M pages. The kids are doing very well with their handwriting papers. As a matter of fact, we are wondering if they are getting a bit bored with them. We may have to come up with another way to practice.

After recess, we saw Madame. She brought us french bread ... oh la la! Yummy!

When we returned from lunch, we talked about the phases of the moon. We read a book about the moon and meteor showers. We practiced making our own moon "craters" using flour and marbles. They really thought this was cool (surprising). We tossed marbles into the flour and watched the "crater" it made. We explained this is similar to what happens in space with the meteors. They came up with all kinds of comments like "we go around the moon". And, "yeah. I heard that. My dad told me it takes a long time". They are sooo smart.

After our discussion on moon craters and phases, Mrs. E. challenged the kids to take a look at the moon and report back on it's shape when we see each other again. She also invited them to make a drawing of what they saw! We took them to the art room and finger painted using homemade puffy paint (glue and shaving cream with a dash of yellow food coloring). The phases of the moon where copied on black paper so there was just an outline. They labeled the shapes and used their fingers to fill in the outlines. This was super fun. We could have done it all day I think.

So more fun on Wednesday. See you then.

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