Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday with the Four's

We had a good week. Today was jam-packed with fun. First we reviewed our sight word, LIKE. The kids completed their sight word page and we moved on to our lesson on presidents (or as some of the kiddos thought we said, prisoners). We talked about what a president is. Some said they run our city (close!). Very bright children. One mentioned Washington. Several knew this was a person that was "in charge". When we mentioned Obama, several said they had seen him on tv. We talked about the first president and why we celebrate President's Day (and don't have school on Monday). We colored a little book about President's Washington and Lincoln. We also Did a sort of matching activity with the things these two presidents are notorious for.

The kids made a V craft given this is our letter of the week. We cut out paper vases and filled them with violets.

We hung our earth and suns in the window of our classroom. They look sooo nice.

We showed the kids a penny and who was on the penny. We then did a coin toss activity where the kids practiced making tally marks and counted by 5's. We showed the kids that it is much quicker to count by five's. Mrs. E. counted to forty using the tally's and Mrs. Sapp counted by one's. Ask the kids who finished first!

We didn't post on Wednesday but I will tell you we had fun making our very own sun (did you know it's actually a star? We also learned about the Ohio flag and studied the differences between it and the United States flag. These kids are so bright ... they didn't miss a beat!

Our number of the day on Wednesday was 19. The kids practiced writing it on the dry erase board. They are really starting to do well with their number writing AND recognition. By just putting out things and repeating these exercises they are coming along! So fun to observe.

We made our own Ohio flag. We practiced our cutting and learned that the Ohio flag has an interesting shape to it. Did you know it's the only flag that is NOT a rectangle. We did a connect the dots activity. Very good practice at the number recognition. Practice these at home! Ours turned out to be the state of Ohio.

We will talk Ohio more next week (Wright Brothers; carnations, cardinals, etc.).

Remember no school on Monday. See you Wednesday!

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