Friday, February 10, 2012

Today We Fed Em Gumdrops and M & M's

We began the day with the M & M's. The kids got a bingo-like card with many M's on it. They were to listen as we called out words. If the word BEGAN with the letter M, they got to put an M & M on their card. If not, they did nothing. When we were finished, we ate ALL our candies. Everyone did very well! We will be doing this with all the letters we celebrate for the rest of the year. As we mentioned at conference, this is the next stage in their development ... hearing the beginning and ending sounds and knowing what the corresponding letter is.

After the beginning sounds activity, we discussed constellations with the group. One lil gal piped up and said they were stars connected by lines ... very bright. In fact, they are imaginary lines and they make up shapes. We read a book called "Me and my place in space" then made our own constellation. The kids were instructed to think of something they would like to see/look for in the stars above. Then we went to our desks and made that image with stars and imaginary lines on black paper. Mrs. E and Mrs. Sapp went around the room and wrote down what they told us they made. There were some very creative constellations out there! In fact, I think we should look for 'em next time there is a clear night!

After lunch we read a book called "The Big Dipper". It's a cute story about a gal who looks at the stars. She explained how they are always there ... but may be in a different spot depending on the time of the year. We talked about how they don't really move but that it is our earth that is moving. They made their own dipper with gumdrops and toothpicks.

We also went to the art room and painted! We used super-sized coffee filters and painted them using blue and green watercolor. They had some fun ... it's always fun to paint!. They are drying in the art room. We are thinking we will hang them in our room for a bit ... then they can take them home.

We told you space week was a fun one! We may continue talking space a bit into next week as we didn't even talk about the sun or the planets yet!

Remember, no lunch is necessary on Monday as one of the kiddo's nanny has offered to bring in pizza for the entire crew! We can't thank her enough for her generosity. We will also celebrate Valentine's Day on Monday so if you haven't sent in your kiddo's Valentine's please do so on Monday. They will have time to go around the room and distribute these and we don't want anyone to be left out.

Have a super weekend.

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