Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Somehow our letter of the week is V. Just kidding. We planned it that way, of course.

In honor of Valentine's Day, our big event celebrated the holiday. We put a Valentine for each child in a (toy) van. The kids each got an opportunity to pull out a Valentine. They were to read the name on the heart and give it to that person. The person who got a Valentine pulled the next heart out. We continued until everyone got one. Can you believe they read each other's names without any difficulty? WOW!

We were very lucky in that one of our kiddo's nanny's offered to bring pizza for the entire class! WOW again. It was delicious ... and might I say it was quiet in the lunch room as we were all chewing.

We crafted a cute Love Bug from construction paper hearts today. They turned out soooo cute.

We also worked independently on a color matching activity involving yummy heart candies. Each child got some candies and they were to place them on a card with different colored hearts. When they finished, they were to count all the candies and then ... we ate 'em.

A dentist came to visit our classroom today. This being dental health month, we invited her to visit and teach the kiddos about good oral hygiene. She told the kids about healthy foods to eat; why our teeth are important to us; and about all the sugar in the things we drink (sorry). She even had two volunteers come up and pretend to be dentist and patient. The pretend dentist pretended to clean the pretend patient's teeth. The dentist showed them the proper way to brush and explained how important it is to floss. They really enjoyed the "show".

We had a great day!

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