Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Groundhog Fun

As you know, tomorrow is Groundhog's Day. We had some fun on his/her account today.

First, we talked about the legend of the groundhog and what this special day is all about. The kids began to talk about all the things they DIDN'T get to do this winter due to the lack of snow. Some said no sledding. Some said no snow angels and of course others missed not making snowmen! Dog gone it! (I really don't mind).

Next, the kids did a matching activity with shapes and shadows. It started slowly but the quickly "got" that the dark shape was a shadow! They understood they needed to match them. We practiced our scissor cutting skills with this activity, too. These should have come home today.

We also made some predictions about whether or not the groundhog would see his shadow. Most (11) said no. The others (6 ... we had 3 out today) said yes. I guess only time will tell. To sum it up, regardless of their feelings about not getting to do some snow stuff ... I guess they want spring to come any way!

We read a book about Gretchen the Groundhog who is taking over for her Uncle Gus who is retiring from "the biz". She is headed out tomorrow for her first time. She was nervous about everyone staring at her. But in the end, she did it ... and made history!

We did go out for recess today. It was so nice. We enjoyed the fresh air and the opportunity to run amuck!

As you can tell, we are working on that number recognition we all discussed at conferences. First, we had the kids do a coloring activity with a die. They rolled the die and colored the area of the picture with the corresponding number. They kept going until the picture was colored in. The hope is that the kids can identify the number on the die (even by counting the dots) then know what the "number" looks like on paper. Most understood and did well.

Then, we introduced a new on-going project. The kids will get index cards with a number written on it. They will then apply that many stickers (or write the number that many times; draw that many "X's" ... whatever it is that day) on the card. We are just trying to expose them to the printed number as often as we can. We want them to think about them like they now do letters.

We had art with Mrs. Erikson today. She taught the kids about some of Henri Matisse's work. They had fun pasting on construction paper then painting with sponges. They turned out very nice.

Some of the kids have gone home and shared with you that we may be having a "pizza party". I thought this might be a good place to share the conversation with you all ... some parents have asked what their kid is talking about. So we have been trying to get them to remember the rug is a teaching spot and we need to have their attention. They also know this means when instructed to go to the rug, they do so right away, quietly and they do not argue with friends on where they are sitting (that's my spot!, etc.). We decided to incentivize them. We have some purple marbles in our room. They are currently in a baggie. We told them every time they do this without fail, we will remove a marble from the bag and put it in a jar. When the jar is full (and/or the bag is empty), we will have a party for them. We gave pizza as an example. We aren't certain yet that that is what it will be (maybe sweets, not certain). Some are really going for it. Others either forget or don't care. We shall see how it all goes.

A note went home today about the Valentine celebration. See us with questions. In a nutshell, go ahead and make or buy your Valentine's and sign your child's name (or have them do it over a period of time ... they have 19 to do) then send them in a baggie with your child's name on it. They will hand-deliver on Monday, the 13th.

Thanks. Have a super Thursday off!

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