Thursday, January 19, 2012

5 Little Snowmen

This morning we did an exercise on the rug with number identification. We read a little poem about 5 little snowmen sitting on a fence, the sun came out, etc. We had some struggles along the way, but is to be expected. They really don't retain that kind of information until next year.

We also did a matching exercise with outdoor clothing. Where do you put your hat? The kids had fun with this and they did super well, too.

Some fun happened at snack. We gave the kiddos some pretzel sticks and to our amazement they began making letters! OMG! It was such a nice thing to see.

We apologize for the lack of photos today. Mrs. Sapp's camera battery died. She moved on to her phone camera and well, you get the idea.

Have a super weekend.

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