Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We Got Right Back At It!

So much fun was had today! It was wonderful to see everyone again. It's been far too long!

Our smart friends had no trouble adjusting today! They remembered all the "rules". Wow! We even tried some new stuff today and they were troopers. Ready for the challenge.

First, we had a new student join us. He will be here the rest of the year and we love him already. He fits right in! Second, we began working with pencils and they all did a fabulous job! Sometimes that pencil grip can be tricky ... they handled it with glory!

Our letter of the week is "Z". We also got right back into pattern-making. We went over to the art room and made a wintery scene with paint and brushes. On Thursday, we plan to make a pattern with penguins and attach them to our winter art!

Finally, keep your eyes open for information on parent/teacher conferences. They will be held next Thursday, January 12th. There will be no school that day as we will be meeting with parents throughout the day. Each family will have a little more than 10 minutes with Mrs. Eastman and Mrs. Sapp. We will review your child's progress thus far. This is a super time to talk about how your kiddo is doing.

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