Friday, January 13, 2012

Thank You So Much

For the past two days we have had the pleasure of meeting with our parents to discuss your children. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families at our school. We feel fortunate that we have gotten the opportunity to get to know you all and work with your children. They are truly precious little gems and we marvel everyday at something someone has done! We get a kick at watching them grow and learn and couldn't be more pleased at how far each and every one of "our" kids has come.

Thank you for checking in here, too. We believe this has been a great communication tool this year and we love showing you all that we do. Your comments about our lessons and our blog are very much appreciated. In our line of work, our kudos usually come from watching the children become successful or seeing the funny, silly, and cute things the kids do. Not as often is it because the parents take the time to praise us or share stories about the things they are doing at home as a result of their experiences at school. So thanks much.

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