Friday, January 20, 2012

Finished Up Our Senses Discussion

Boy we packed alot in today! As you can see by the pictures, we had a fun day.

The kiddos started out having fun in centers. Check out our band on the stage in the dramatic play area. They will be sad when we switch out that center!

We discussed our eyes and their color. Showing the kids how to "chart" was fun. They immediately began to make observations from the chart results. So we went over the numbers to determine the most popular eye color in our class. We put out pictures of eyes in different colors and mirrors so they could "double check" if they were unsure.

Next, we made some fun puppets with extra big noses. We reviewed our sense of touch and had the kids pick image cards with things we can touch and things we cannot. They picked a card, put it in the right category and explained why it was a good/bad thing to touch.

At the end of the day, we let those that wanted to to taste the juice of a lemon. We talked about the terms "sweet" and "sour". Next, they tasted something sweet ... sugar. "What can we make with these two ingredients", we asked. LEMONADE! and so we did.

One child brought a book in several weeks ago to read to the class. We had forgotten about it, but he read it to them today. They kids were so excited to see this lil guy get an opportunity to read, that they asked if they could bring a book in. Mrs. E. told'em that this would be a super idea and that we would schedule those that wanted to for Friday's moving forward. That list will come around. If your child is not on the list, it's because he/she told us they did not want to read to the class.

Have a super weekend.

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