Saturday, January 7, 2012

PJ Day!

Friday was PJ Day in the purple room!

Our hibernating little animals got to sniff out popcorn and enjoy some warm hot chocolate when they awoke from their long winter's nap. We also read a cute rhyming poem about bears. There were places in the poem where the kids had to hold up a picture that rhymed with the word in the sentence before. They did an excellent job!

We have a stage set-up in the dramatic play area and we have loved watching the little bands formulate! Check out our pictures!

Our sight word this week was IN. We had an additional "coloring page" sight word added to the mix this week. These guys are just getting so good at the routine we had to mix it up a bit.

We also had a little one-to-one correspondence fun. Mrs. Sapp brought in her "laundry" (socks and mittens in a laundry basket) and asked the kids for some help sorting. She is just tooooo tired when she goes home from school that SOMEONE needed to help with this project! They had sooo much fun helping out. We went around the circle and each child selected a sock or a mitten and needed to find the match to it. Some even said they wanted to help out at home! See that moms? Get out that darned sock pile and put 'em to work! Very cute lesson!

The kids also had to identify the number on a page and add some spots to the dog! We through in some double-digits to see where we needed to be with regard to number identification and we were surprised to discover that all did a super job!

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