Friday, January 27, 2012

A Wintery Mix

Well, upon waking this morning it wasn't snowing. Then, on my drive to school I was battling snowy rain. Quickly though, it disappeared. We had a mixed up day, sort of.

We worked on our sight word -- SEE -- a bit. We sang our song, spelled the word and wrote it on our worksheet.

We followed up on our mitten story by Jan Brett by estimating how many 1 inch cubes would fit on a construction paper mitten. Wow! We were all fooled. Some guesses included, 10, 11, 16, 24, 4 and 5. It actually held 45! We altered our guesses as we went along ... and saw that it would be much more than 10! They were pretty good at making new assumptions after seeing where 10 got us. It was quite impressive. One sweet little guy then wanted to try to cover our entire rug with 1 inch cubes. I think we may have been there all day if we tried that one! But a good idea nonetheless.

Since we had been studying about penguins and today was so yucky outside, we watched a bit of the March of the Penguins. They had many insightful comments and questions after having studied them and now watching them in action on the screen. They could tell the movie took place in the cold and remembered the Emperor was from Antarctica ... the only cold penguin-living place! Wow! It was both a joy and a reward to listen to their comments based on what they had learned (and retained) a few weeks back!

We did a snowman glyph activity where the kids listened and added various items like hats, scarves and mittens based on their gender. We sent those home with the instructions on the back side. You can check and see how well your little one did!

One of our little gals was a guest reader today! She did a super job. Her story was fun. The kids were entertained and she was quite proud! We were, too.

Just a little heads up about Valentine's Day. We will celebrate in the classroom with activities. If you and your child would like to send in Valentine's to distribute, please do so. There are 20 children in our classroom now. We will decorate white bags with handles one day next week. The kids will go around the room independently and put Valentine's in each student's bag. There is no need to label them (this is actually easier as the kids can just parade around and deposit cards vs. trying to locate the right bag with the right name). We will exchange cards on Wednesday the 14th.

Mrs. Sapp brought in a "bag" that was on her front porch. We weren't sure what the bag was or why it was there. So, we began routing through it. We found two sticks. We found a scarf and a hat. Then there were these two very large google eyes and three large buttons. We laid all the items out on the rug. We examined them for a second. I know! Can you guess? They did! It was a snowman!

Have a safe and fun weekend.

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