Thursday, January 26, 2012

We Napped, Melted and Licked Our Fingers

The Music Lady was in today. She sang a song where the kids pretended to sleep and had to wake up when they heard the alarm clock. Then she sang a song and had them "read" music. They were to clap when they saw the appropriate symbol. They did very well listening and participating.

Mrs. Eastman played a game with the kids. We had some snowmen (laminated construction paper) and a sun (again, paper) and clouds. The kids had to put the melted snowmen in the pile with the sun and the "snowman in tact" in the pile with the cold clouds. This was a sorting/matching exercise. Everyone got a few turns and did fantastic. Then, the kids had to pretend THEY were snowmen melting. Mrs. E. was the sun. When she came closer to you, you melted and fell to the ground.

We made our own sort of melted snowman using marshmallow fluff, mini chocolate chips and a candy corn for the nose. The kids smoothed out the spoonful of fluff (licked their fingers) and applied the rest of the pieces to the melted snowman. These are edible and they came home with you today.

Our letter this week was W. So we had the kids play with wiki-wax sticks. They made the letter with the sticks then ran their fingers (imaginary pencils) over the letter.

We had a super day. Enjoy your weekend.

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