Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fun With Penguins

Wow! We had a yummy treat for snack today. Mrs. Eastman showed the kids how to make a penguin from an oreo cookie and a Hershey's kiss! What a fun treat. We also made a penguin from construction paper and a paper plate.

We practiced writing our letters using our fingers and a ziploc baggie with paint inside. The kids first got to "mix" the paint (some had yellow and red and others had yellow and blue). What colors did they get when they mixed their paint? After mixing, we made our letter of the week ... the z and many more letters.

We practiced using scissors again and we read the book "Snowballs" about a family of snowmen made from unusual "things". We did the same thing in the art room after listening to the story. Look for these little guys and gals (some dogs, too) on our bulletin board.

On a final note, we have a little one in our classroom whose father went to Afghanistan to fight for our country. He will be gone for a year. Please keep our soldier friend and his family in your prayers!

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