Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter Identification & One To One Coorespondence

We are working hard on letter identification. We did a few exercises today and we did okay. Still have lots of work to do. More than half the group is still trying to identify the letters when we display them. Good new is most all now can recognize their name in print.

We had some "snowball" fun when the kids scrunched up a piece of paper that had a letter written on it. They tossed these around the room. Then we had them pick on up and sit on the rug. We went around the circle and they unwrapped the snowball and told us what letter they had. When we determined what the letter was, we had them sound it out.

On the rug during a large group lesson, Mrs. Sapp put some items on the rug in the circle. She put one item in a retired egg carton and one-by-one asked the kids to locate it's match and put it in the egg carton with the item Mrs. Sapp started with. Everyone did an excellent job. Later, we did a similar exercise where the kids located a patterned-piece of construction paper that was in the shape of a mitten. They had to then find it's match and put it on the clothes line. They did an excellent job with this exercise, also.

Mrs. Sapp's daughter joined us in class today and she read a book about the clothes we wear in the winter. We followed up the story with another matching exercise involving winter clothing. The kids had to match the clothing shadow with the coloring page outline. All did well at this!

Just a little reminder that we now have 16 students in our class and two teachers. So when you send in snack for the day please be sure there are enough for 18. Thanks for your assistance.

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