Wednesday, January 18, 2012

About Our Senses

We began discussion about our bodies and our senses today. With that discussion came observations about having no sight and having no sense of hearing. We Also involved some math concepts with respect to pairs. The kids made a list of parts of our bodies that had "pairs". So we are ready to end that activity and move on and one little girl says, "but I have another one ... we have a pair of boobies!" Mom's, can you guess which daughter came up with that one?

The kids also amazed us this am when we did the calendar and had discussion about how 2011 is gone and it's now 2012. Mrs. Eastman showed the kids how to write the date. They all wanted to try it themselves! So we got out the dry erase board and everyone got a turn. Amazing and interested children! We love em so!

With our discussion about hearing came an exercise with writing and painting. We practiced writing "ear" and discovered that the word "ear" is also in "hear"! Wow!

The kids went to see Mrs. Erikson in the art room today. We talked about impressionism and Claude Monet. The kids got an outline of trees and were instructed to apply glue and add small pieces of tissue paper.

We thought it might be fun to teach the kids about sign language since we are talking about folks that can't hear. How can they communicate? So they listened intentively and followed up by asking "can we learn to spell our names?" Well it just so happened that we made a book for each child with their names! They worked on that next and we told them to take the books home and work on their names and add sight words to the list.

While talking about our sense of touch, we shared with the kids that they are all unique and special. That they have fingerprints that are like no other. They were pretty proud of this idea! We showed them enlarged pictures of fingerprints and invited them to look at their through a magnifying glass. Then, to illustrate these prints, we had them do a little art project for mom and dad using the stamp pad! Hope you like it!

Finally, our sight word this week is "WE".

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