Monday, March 26, 2012

All About Spring

This week -- the last before our Spring Break -- will be spent talking about ... spring. What else would we learn about? There will be discussion about the weather; about flowers; about new babies; and more. Today we had a "letter review" vs. a new letter to study. The kids practiced writing the days of the week. It was tedious work but they all did it with no complaints. Some went a step farther and not only traced their letters but wrote them on their own, too. Impressive.

Our number today (because we haven't done that in a while) was 5. They love to go up to the dry erase board and try to write it themselves. A tricky number but they got it.

We played a little game that is like musical chairs. There were letters taped to the bottom of the chairs in the clasroom. We arranged them in a circular design. We played some music, when it stopped they took a seat. We called on a few kids at a time to identify the letter under their chair. Just about everyone got their letters. There were a few that needed a lil help. Just keep working on these over the summer.

We got some scissor cutting in today when we worked on an Easter egg decorating project and a 5 little jellybeans project. These went home today.

Finally, we had a little Easter egg race of sorts. The kids worked with three plastic eggs. Mrs. Sapp took them apart. The kids had to race (10 seconds) to put the matching tops with the bottoms. They had fun with this one.

Don't forget to put something in your plastic egg from last Friday and bring it in on THIS Friday. We have a little activity planned.

Also, there will be an Easter egg hunt at school on Friday. Mrs. McCarthy is organizing and we thank those that are able to contribute.

See you Wednesday.

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