Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What Is Inside An Egg?

We started the day with a tornado drill. The kids learned where to go in the event that the weather in our area is favorable for a tornado. Just past the inside gym, there are a set of steps leading to the parish worship hall. Our designated spot is a storage room surrounded by four walls in the center of the building. They all handled this drill very well.

We followed the drill with Music Class. Next, we did a little sight word review. The kids tossed bean bags that had a sight word safety-pinned to the bag. They tossed the bags into a bowl. Whichever bag landed in the bowl they got to name. If more than one bag landed in the bowl, they could choose. Some kids even took the challenge of reading ALL the words that landed in the bowl. We should tell you that while it is not a requirement to read before leaving preschool, many of our kids ARE! We just can't believe this group of kids. If your child is not quite there, no worries. It'll come. They are all practicing recognizing the letters and "making their sound". Super job guys and gals!

After the sight word practice, Mrs. E. taught the kids about different characteristics of a story. They learned about the "setting" and the "characters". Each child colored some characters (bunny, person, squirrel, etc.). Then, they got a "placemat" which was an illustration of the woods. When Mrs. E. then read a story, they got to place their characters in the setting. We were amazed at how well they grasped this information and pulled it all together to participate in the story.

Lastly, we broke off into smaller groups and studied a hard-boiled egg. Mrs. E. had the kids cutting out the "parts" and putting them together. There was the shell, the white part and the yolk. We had real eggs in the classroom that we cut down the center and the kids were able to observe and apply their newly-gained knowledge to the egg in front of them.

Mrs. Sapp's group first made some observations with their eyes. We recorded how large we thought the egg was and then recorded the actual size. Next, we weighed the egg and compared it's weight to that of 13 jelly beans. The plan was to switch groups but we ran out of time. Perhaps on Friday we will be able to switch!

Have A Super Thursday!

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