Friday, March 9, 2012

Thanks To Everyone

First, thank you to everyone for donating items for our breakfast and coming in to help. We really appreciate your efforts and we hope you had fun with the kids.

We started the day by making a cute owl craft with torn paper. They turned out nicely, the kids had fun. One child brought hers to me and comments, "Isn't this CU-HOOT?". Very funny child. I guess she "gets it", huh?

We read a fun story about a farmer's wife who gives her animals a tub. They didn't like it so they ran away. Turns out they were better off on the farm ... tubs and all. They enjoyed this and we did some re-enactment afterwards.

We sang a song about rhyming. It features Rocco The Rhyming Rhino. So if you hear about Rocco, that's who he is.

One of our moms came in to help with our math assignment ... puzzles. She talked with them about how to solve this problem. Look at the pieces. Look for clues. Sometimes it's a color. Sometimes it's a shape. Then, she put them to work. They got to see what she was referring to right there on the spot. A great lesson. Thanks, mom!

We have been keeping some index cards with numbers for each child. Every so often we bring it out and the kids are to make marks on the cards according to the number on the card. We will do this for a few more weeks then send them home. We encourage you to review them with your child. Ask them to help you count. The way we count in the room is to touch the item when you count it. This way, you don't get lost counting faster than touching, etc. We must tell you that they are doing SUPER WELL with number recognition. Just fascinating. Many times, we will leave the year and many students need to work on this over the summer. That is not the case with this group. We are really doing a super job. And we have noticed the change in the last four weeks or so. Thanks for all your help.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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