Wednesday, March 14, 2012


What a lovely day. How ironic that we planned some outdoor fun today. Thanks for your cooperation Mother Nature.

Given we have been talking about leprechauns due to the upcoming St. Patrick's Day "holiday" we talked a bit about rainbows and how they are formed. We discussed the light and the rain and how their reflection causes the mountain of colors. We made our own "rainbow" with crepe paper and paper plates. Then, we took them outdoors to fly in the sun and wind. Great fun. We look forward to this activity every year ... that is every year since we started doing it. The idea came from a parent years ago! Thanks!

We did a spatial relationship activity on the rug. The kids each had a leprechaun and a pot of gold. Mrs. E. would ask the kids to "put the leprechaun on your head" and "the pot of gold under your arm", etc. They did well. We had some difficulty with left and right. That's to be expected. Just work a little at home with these directionals.

We also looked for the leprechaun's sight words in his green pot. He had some we knew in there and others we didn't. No biggie though. We just sounded them out. Have you noticed that these children are reading?! They are able to sound out their own words and tackle the unfamiliar vocabulary. It's great!

Our lunch was "taken" outdoors today. How fun for us. The kids were soooo excited about this. We were, too. The sun was bright and warm and everyone enjoyed the change.

We have more fun planned on Friday. Get outdoors and have some fun!

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