Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two Busy Days

Let's start with the four's on Monday. Sorry we didn't get to post on Monday. It was a busy day. Our letter this week is A. The kids had a great time with the Big Event. They were to pick an ant (raisin) off the letter A and grab an animal (plastic action figure-type) and act like that animal. Afterwards, we gave them a chocolate Andes mint. Yum.

We talked with the kids about St. Patrick's Day and leprechauns! Many knew what a leprechaun was ... to our surprise. Nonetheless, we read book about a lil leprechaun. Afterward, we did a little exercise involving recollection. We discussed the nature of "main characters", "setting", "problems to solve", etc. Those that were paying attention on the rug did very well.

We also colored a fun lil leprechaun by using our fingers position like "love" with the three middle fingers folded down and the thumb and pinkie sticking out. This was the ears and beard of the leprechaun. They turned out cute. The kids worked hard on manipulating their fingers and coordinating their writing finger to trace around.

We visited Madame and had lots of laughs ... as usual.

Finally, we did some Monday Math involving sorting (and eating) Lucky Charms cereal.

On Tuesday with the three's, we celebrated the letter A by turning our capital letter A into an alligator! We also celebrated the number two by discussing pairs and did an activity on the rug. The kids were to reach into a bucket of dried corn and find an object. They then had to locate it's "pair" on the tray outside the box. All did very well.

Lastly, we glued pairs of items on our large number two made from construction paper.

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