Saturday, March 24, 2012

Finishing Off With Numeroff

The kids really enjoyed all the Laura Numeroff books we read this week. As you know, our letter of the week was "L" so we celebrated by reading and learning about Laura Numeroff. We read: If You Give A Pig A Pancake; If You Give A Pig A Party: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie; If You Give A Dog A Donut; and If You Give A Moose A Muffin.

Today was Moose A Muffin. Mrs. Sapp talked to the kids about the moose for a minute. She even explained to the kids that a moose's antlers are about 36 inches long, each. So she put two yardsticks up to her head and moved about the room knocking things over and bumping into lights, etc. She even tried to enter and exit the room wearing "antlers". The kids got a kick out of this and we decided we could NOT have moose as a class pet.

We also made our own blueberry muffins. The kids helped us figure out how to make them. We also decided that the directions on the box could be really helpful. They even knew we needed to measure the milk with a measuring cup. Some said just pour a little milk in and some decided we should measure using a cup. Brilliant. We baked 'em and enjoyed a little snack after lunch.

Before lunch however, we graphed our favorite kind of muffin. The choices were blueberry (or any berry for that matter) and chocolate chip. The chocolate chip muffin had the most "likes".

Our guest parent came in and worked with the kids on a math lesson. Again, counting and working on number recognition. We decided we have to "spice it up" because they are doing so well. The exercise was to deposit a tiny colored egg into an egg carton. Inside there were pics of animals and numbers. They shook the carton and opened it to discover the egg landed in a "pocket". If it landed in the ones with the animal pics, they had to make that sound. If not, they had to count out that many little eggs.

We worked on our "L" craft and made cute little lions. Mrs. E. talked a bit about the difference between male and female lions.

Lastly, we wanted you all to know that one of our classmates' is a new big brother. The new baby boy was born on Monday and all are well. Please keep the family in your prayers!

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