Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who Stole The Cookies?

We have been having some fun with the Laura Numeroff books! The kids really enjoy these books. In fact, we made our own. The kids got to piece together their own mouse then filled-in the "If you give a mouse a" blank. We will bind them all together and make our own class book. They were very creative little story-tellers.

We also played a number recognition game with large die and some little footsteps with numbers written on them. A child was to put their "number foot" in front of them on the circle rug. One child rolled the die and said "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar" then went around to find the person who had the number foot matching the number they rolled on the die. It was VERY cute. They had lots of fun with this. And, all did super with the number recognition.

We talked about Roy Lichtenstein in Mrs. Erikson's art class today. The kids were taught that he went to OSU and enjoyed pop art. Cartoon books to be exact. He thought of the illustrations as art. Highlighted with black outlines and polka dots. So we created our own art with those two elements in mind.

As a group, we read the scholastic "spring babies" edition today. Many took turns reading! Can you believe this? When they came to a word they used the strategies we are learning in class: they look at the picture. Sound out the first letter then move on from there very slowly. We are soooo impressed.

Lastly, our sight word this week is HAVE. These guys and gals are getting so good at coming up with sentences that have the sight word in them. We love you guys!

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