Monday, March 19, 2012

Did You Eat Pancakes For Dinner?

We wouldn't be surprised! We talked all about pancakes today! Our letter this week is "L" and what better way to celebrate than to introduce (or reaffirm) the books by Laura Numeroff! So today we read "If you give a pig a pancake" and "If you give a pig a party".

We played a pancake flip game. The pancakes had lowercase and uppercase letters on them. The kids flipped the cake and told us if it was an UC or LC. Then they were asked to name it. Most of them did very well. A few little confused moments but all in all, we did it?

We also made our very own pancake craft. It was fun. We even put butter on it and drizzled syrup over top.

The kids did a little observation with density today. This was our science lesson. We had some tempura paint, water and syrup in separate cups. Mrs. E. explained what density was. Then, she asked them to pass around the cups and try to stir with a popsicle stick. Does one feel more dense than the other? Then we put them on a piece of paper to illustrate the "drippiness". Very cool!

We compared the two stories with a Venn Diagram. They did so very well at this. First off, we were impressed with the story retention. Next, they did very well with the same/different stuff. One guy even "caught" that they "did stuff" in both stories. We explained how the author told the story in a circular format. That is, it ends right where it starts. They thought this was cool!

We celebrated the letter L with a limbo. They got to get a lollipop after they limbo'd. Finally we flipped a bean bag pancake for fun and tried to get it into the pan.

Oh, and you probably heard how there were stray cats in our classroom. Kitties really. They apparently were dropped off at the school. Six weeks old and in super health.

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