Friday, March 16, 2012

A Friday Leprechaun Hunt

We started our day with our sight word, YOU. The kids came up with sentences that contained this word and they practiced writing the word. They did very well. In fact, they breeze through these writing exercises. Whatsmore, so many of them are READING the sentences that make up the handwriting worksheet. Have you noticed this at home? They are in preschool and they are READING! We love to see this. You should know that not all children leave preschool reading. Yes, they have a better understanding of the alphabet and they know now that letters put together make words but often times, the ability to sound out letters and recognize these sounds as a word they have heard before comes later. Not much later, but later. In fact, this is one of the many reasons it is so important to read to your children and to do so often. The more they hear these words, the better they are at learning to read on their own. They begin the process of sounding out letters and the word sounds familiar to them so they are instantly aware they have pieced together something meaningful!

Our work with the word YOU was done and we were called to "go on a hunt". Mrs. Kalgreen said a "note" was found and it was meant to be for us. It was from a leprechaun who left clues all over the building. We followed each one until we found his pot of gold. Mrs. Sapp was hoping for REAL gold. You know, to go shopping or something. Instead, we only found a pot of CHOCOLATE gold. Mrs. E. said this was the next best thing. Some chose to eat theirs right away. Others chose to save it so it can be found in their tote bags ... unless they have already shown you what they found and ate it.

We made some cute leprechaun puppets and read a cute rhyme about where his gold is hidden ... under his hat! Ask the kids to show you!

We read a story and had our "star" that took home the number box present his findings. His number was 6 so he brought in 6 green M & M's. Why green? we asked. "It's my favorite color!" Of course! Very fun. Incidentally, these kids are doing soooooo well with their number recognition. We cannot express enough how pleased we are. While this is a relatively recent acquisition. It's noteworthy because the double-digits can be tricky and just a few weeks back they all looked at us with despair when we asked them to identify a 14 for example. Now, nearly across the board, they are getting it! YEAH. These things are so rewarding for us teachers.

Lastly, we had two parent volunteers this afternoon. They worked with the kids on some more number recognition. They had the kids identify a number that was on a paper plate. The kids chose a "counter" (blocks, plastic monkey's or plastic button stackers) and put that many of the item on the plate. We stressed they should take their time and use their pointer finger when counting aloud. They did great. Thanks to the parents that came in. Your help is much appreciated and more importantly, your child LOVES having you share in their experience.

Before we say so long for the weekend we wanted to tell you there will be a new Priceless Child born on Monday. One of our little ones will be a big brother ... again (he's already got other little brothers). Please keep the family in your prayers. Hopefully, we will get pics next week!

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