Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Letter L And Number 3

After our visit with madame, we got right to work on the letter "L". The kids sounded out the letter, wrote it and made an "L" (ladybug) craft.

We moved on to the number three. The kids got to practice some fine-motor skills while stringing paper beads and plastic beads on a "number necklace". We have worked on numbers 1 and 2 and today was three. The goal is to get the children to recognize the number when they see it in print but also to correlate what that number means. So today they were to organize their paper beads by shape (rectangle, triangle and square) then put them in order 1, 2, 3. Each time they moved on to a new group, they were to insert a plastic bead.

Finally, we practiced our cutting skills with the scissors and paper. There were two dotted lines drawn down the long side of the paper. The kids were to cut along this line to create three strips of paper which we then made into a "three-corner or three-pointed hat".

Hope you all got your pics of the kids. They were lovely. We peeked.

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