Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chalky Sand

We started the day by letting the kids "shave" large pieces of chalk with a grater. They loved this! Our intent was to mix with salt and make our own sand. It worked out nicely. Mrs. E. read Eric Carle's Hermit Crab book and then the kids "painted" with watered down glue. They sprinkled on homemade colored sand viola! Our own sandy crabs!

We also played around with the letter "O". The kids got to glue fruit loops onto an orange letter "O". They enjoyed this and wanted to eat them ... naturally. However, as they were in the basement supply cabinet for who know how long, we asked them not to! Whew!

Finally, we sang a song about a farmer feeding his animals and everyone got to participate in making animal sounds. Way fun!

Have a super weekend. We will see you on Tuesday.

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