Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday Fun With The Four Year Olds

We finished out the week with our sight word "IT" and our sight word page. We also made a surprise (shhhhh!) christmas gift for our families. Don't ask! We won't tell!

We worked on some beginning sound words. These went home Friday so you may have seen them. They were in the spirit of the season. There were two dinner plates and the kids cut out pictures and placed them on the dinner plate with the correct beginning sound -- "S" or "D".

Mrs. Eastman read a fun little flannel board story about the voyage to the new land. She talked about the items we may or may not bring on the big ship called the Mayflower. Then, she had all the kids scoot together (standing) in the center of our circle rug. She described that is what it was like -- crowded -- on the ship. Wow! They thought.

We sent home their disguised turkey's cuz so many of the kids wanted to take them home for the holidays. Thanks for your help with this project. They really enjoyed seeing each other's turkeys and the concept behind the project was not lost on the kids. They really had fun!

We strung some "beads" (dyed pasta) so we could see what it was like to be an indian making our own crafts, etc. We took the opportunity to discuss patterns with the kids and encouraged them to make a pattern with their necklaces.

We colored some fun placemats that we plan to use on Monday for our feast. As a reminder, you will not need to bring in lunch as we will have a feast together at school. Thanks to everyone who is helping out with that.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. We will see you on the 28th!

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