Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So Cute

These little guys and gals are just moving through the year with ease. We have seen so much growth in just a few months ... it's so fascinating.

Our gluing has improved two-fold. The kiddos are gluing down their paper without details from us. So independent.

We celebrated the letter "T" today by making a HUGE class "T". Check out our pics of the letter we made with our bodies ... all of them.

We also made turtles in light of the letter T from construction paper and the letter itself!

We read The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly. The kids LOVED this book. They were rhyming along with Mrs. E. as she read. They couldn't believe she ate so much. And the things she ate! Afterward, we did a quick sorting project together on the rug. All the things we can eat (pie, turkey, etc.) and all the things we can't eat (rug, plate, etc.). The kids took images of these items and put them in the appropriate place. Then, we colored our very own Old Lady and put her atop a paper bag. The kids got the same images to take home in their bags so they could sort at home, too!

Finally, we played a little Gobble, Gobble game (kind of like duck, duck, goose). Mrs. E. read a rhyme. One kid was the turkey who walked around the room. She or He said, "gobble, gobble, gobble" and when they stopped behind the next kid, he/she became our new turkey!

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