Monday, November 14, 2011

Plum Ran Out Of Time

It was definitely a Monday. Lots of ground to cover and so little time!

Our letter this week is "T". The kids celebrated by Taking a "T" Ticket off the Tree and finding it's match. When they did so, they got a Tootsie Pop! We followed up with a writing page.

We introduced the kids to The Pilgrims, The Native Americans and The Mayflower today! See why we say we had a lot of ground to cover! We talked about the big boat that brought the pilgrims to this country. Naturally, they had a lot of questions. Using the Mayflower as a prop, we talked about things we eat at Thanksgiving dinner and tried to determine how many syllables were in each word. They did wonderfully with this. We went around the circle and each child got a word. There were words like: corn, stuffing, turkey, Mayflower, cranberries, etc. on our list.

We also read a book on the First Thanksgiving and made a pilgrim craft afterward. This project required them to revisit their scissor-cutting skills and they all did a fabulous job! It's amazing how well they all have improved in so little time. We were quite impressed!

Our Yellow Room teacher -- Mrs. Gascon -- came in the room and shared some pictures of the Native Americans and the pilgrims. She talked with the kids about the houses they lived in and the clothing they wore as well as the chores everyone had!

Finally, in our science lessons, Mrs. E has been teaching the children about air. Where it comes from. How is affects us, etc. So today we put some bubbles of colored water on a piece of wax paper and let the kids blow it around (with the air from their bodies) and see what shapes they could make. Or, try to push all the little bubbles around to create one big bubble. It was fun.

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