Monday, November 7, 2011

We Managed To Pack It All In Today!

This week we are celebrating the art and books of Mr. Eric Carle. He has quite a style and his books are fun and repetitive. They give us lots to contemplate. Plus, our letter of the week is "E". So why not?

With our Monday Big Event, we invited the kids to ERASE an E from the dry ERASE board. EXIT the room. Get a plastic EGG. reENTER the room. Open their EGG to find an ERASER. These events are just an effort to dramatize the letter ... it's sounds, it's touch, it's smells, etc. The more exaggerated and the more senses we can involve, the better our chances of getting the kids to remember the letter.

We practiced our E pages and everyone worked hard! Yippee!

We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and it was nice to see many of the children knew how the story went. They were all "reading" with Mrs. Sapp! We followed up the story with a "Sounds Made By Animals" activity. Mrs. Sapp gave each child a card with an image of the animals in the book. We re-read the story and when we got to an animal, we said "How does the cat go?". And the kids made the sound.

Our science lesson today was about air ... in general. Our kiddos told us it was all around. Mrs. Eastman helped them understand what wind is. So we colored some paper leaves, attached them to a coffee stir stick then put the stir stick leaf inside a straw shooter. The kids blew on the straw and watched the "wind" blow the "leaves" around. As you may have guessed, they loved this activity.

Next, we went to the art room to "play" with paint. The kids got to move paint around with those plastic key cards we requested. They saw how paint mixes and changes color. We also let them put their hands and fingers in the paint to "draw". When the paper dries, we will use in our very own Eric Carle art project later this week!

Lastly, we made our own Brown Bear book. The kids got to color the animals according to the book we read earlier. There was some great recollection and no one asked what color the bird was ... or the duck ... or the horse. They just knew!

Please note you all received a Thanksgiving turkey today. There is a note enclosed so you know what to do with it. Return it to class at your earliest convenience as we will begin to "share" our decorations with the class during "star" time.

Enjoy the weather and your day off.

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