Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank you!

A great big thank you to the parents who sent in food and helped out at our thanksgiving feast. The children enjoyed all the different foods and many stated that their tummies were quite full. We started the day by reviewing all the letters we have learned so far. We then played a game where each child received a train ticket with a letter on it. To be able to board the train(chairs set up) the children had to name the letter and then find the corresponding seat with the letter attached. The children did a great job! We also had to catch up with our letter T craft from last week. We got to visit Madame and then watch a movie about thanksgiving. The day went by so fast that instead of the kiddos asking when it will be time to go home-they asked if it was really time to go! Have a safe and happy thanksgiving and we will see you on Monday!
(Sorry for the lack of pictures, the camera battery died!)

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