Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Beautiful Day In Our Neighborhood

Our focus today was on listening and paying attention. We thought the idea of transportation would be a fun way to work with this concept. We began the day with a spin on the "red light, green light" game. The kids all got a matchbox car. Mrs. Eastman held up a street light. When she put the light on green, they got to drive their car around the rug and so on. This was tempting as some of the kids really wanted to zoom around but they all did really well considering we gave them toys to play with and put restrictions on their play.

They also got to work on building their hand muscles by playing with some red, yellow and green playdough. The object was to squeeze and squeeze then roll into a ball and arrange according to a street sign. We gave them the balls of dough one at a time and in order beginning with red. We instructed them to place the colors "on top", "middle" or "bottom". Most did well. A few either weren't listening to direction or really just got confused about their directionals. These are important terms later when dealing with math concepts (spatial relationship). For three-year olds, we were really pleased!

We also went to the art room to do a little painting with bubble wrap. The kids got to make some colorful paper with paint and bubble wrap which we will help them turn into field corn for a decoration on our bulletin board.

In light of our letter of the week (c) we had cookies for snack and Mrs. Eastman brought in chocolate cool whip. The kids got to "draw" the letter "C" on their plate and then dip their cookies in the cool whip. They really enjoyed THIS snack!

Have a great and relaxing weekend. Next week will be more fall fun.

1 comment:

  1. Will was one of the few that was not listening or was confused about his directional, but he had a great explanation of why his yellow ball ended up on top! :)
