Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Wacky Day

Thanks for sending in apples for your kiddos today! We discussed our favorites and what colors are needed to make the color green. Then we ate them for snack! It was quiet. All you could hear was the crunching!

Speaking of green apples (and yellow and blue). We went to the art room and mixed paint to make cute green apples. They had a lot of fun playing with the paint and seeing the colors change.

We've been discussing spatial relationships. Course, that's not what we call it to them. To them it's "on top", "on bottom", "beside", etc. This helps the kiddos process distinct attributes of a particular item which helps them with math later on. So today, we made art by coloring while laying "under" the table. They had fun with this. Then, we cut up the group project and pasted samples on their "masterpiece" which they brought home today.

At the end of the day, we played a cute little game with music and a plastic spiders. Again, it was all about placing the spiders "on", "under", etc.

Have a nice little bit of time off and we will see you next Tuesday (We have Thursday off for professional development. This is where do individual and group assessments of the students thus far.).

1 comment:

  1. While Will enjoyed mixing the colors to make his green apple, I enjoyed him repeating "you're the apple of my eye" to me. :)
